C1 Gaming

Do Now                                                                                                       Wednesday 18th September 2024

1. There is radio, magazines, films, advertisements, newspaper, TV, and music, video games, news.

2. Media can easily be accessed through the internet.

Video Games

LO: To explore the history and context of video games.

1970s . Two decades before Doom, Maze Wars introduces the first-person shooter by taking players into a labyrinth of passages made from wire-frame graphics.

1980s. A missing slice of pizza inspires Namco's Toru Iwatani to create pac-man, which goes on sale july 1980. That year a version of pac-man Atari 2600 became the first arcade hit to appear on a home console.

1990s. Blizzard releases Warcraft: Orcs and Humans, a real-time strategy game that introduces millions of people to the legendary world of Azeroth.



Uses and Gratifications theory.

The theory states that an audience will use a media form for either one of four reasons: (PIES)

Personal Identity



Social Interaction.

Baseline Test:

The uses and gratification theory refers to the thought that an audience will indulge in a media form for one of four reasons. Number 1- Entertainment, using the example of gaming, people will go online and use the media in form of games to seek entertainment and have fun, whether that is by themselves or with friend, for example 'it takes two' is a multiplayer game in which two players have to work together to escape and is commonly represented as the most enjoyable co-op game of the decade. Number 2-Personal Identity, people can be whoever they want online, and express feelings and thoughts that they otherwise cannot say out loud to the people that surround them and they are associated with, this could be for a number of reasons, but people seek comfort online and on many different social media forms as they can open up and find who they really are and what they aspire to be like, they can do so by using different games, for example Call Of Duty. This is a teamwork based game set in various warzones, somebody may play this game to shape their future and find inspiration if they are thinking about the army as a possible job opportunity in the future. Number 3. Social Interaction, In many games you can connect a microphone and freely speak to people playing the same game as you, whether it is used to find new people with the same interests as you, or to further communicate with friends or family, online gaming is perfect for social interaction, for example in Fortnite you can join a game with multiple different people, and are able to talk to them in real time through the game, possibly sparking friendships. Number 4. Information... ran out of time.

Do Now                                                                                                    Wednesday 25th September 2024


2. Entertainment Y

3. Personal Identity Y

4. Social Interaction Y

5. Information Y                                                                                                                                            

1. Phone, Xbox, PC, Playstation, Wii, Switch

2. Because most people have phones now, so it is easier to use that than buy something new that costs you more money.

3. the gaming audience has definitely grown because it is more accessible to people and there are games for everybody

4. Through downloads and ads

5. Augmented reality is an interactive experience that combines the real world and computer-generated 3D content. 

45% of video game players are female, 55% are male.

Case Study: Fortnite

LO: To research the case study and explore the context. of video games

1. Epic games

2. 7yr

3. 25.3 billion pounds

4. Battle royale, Rocket racing, Festival, Lego fortnite

5. In Fortnite, people are dropped into a map from a flying bus and work as either a duo, squad, or by themselves to eliminate all the other players and be the last one standing.

6. Survival, battle royale, sandbox

7. youtube, tiktok, and twitter

8. you can play in duos or squads

9. multiple sections that will appeal to everybody 

10. entertainment is a big part of fortnite, you can interact with new people as well, hence social interaction

1. epic games was started by tim sweeny in 1991, and was originally run from his parents house

2. in 2014 the guiness book of world records named unreal engine the most successful video game engine

Do Now                                                                                                         Wednesday 2nd October 2024

1. Epic games

2. 1991

3. Survival, Sandbox, Shooter

4.Personal Identity, Information, Entertainment, Social Interaction

5. A blend of Virtual reality and real life

Exploring Context

LO: To explore the context of video games.

Prince Harry

"Its created to addict"

Gaming addiction is classified as a disorder

Keeps you in front of a screen

Should be banned.

I agree because I think it video games are specifically made to appeal to vulnerable people like younger teens who a drawn into the addiction and have no other major responsibilities, therefore they spend a vast majority of time in front of the screen, getting more and more addicted, therefore draining their energy for things that are largely more important, for example schooling and education.  However I also slightly disagree, I believe video games and online worlds spark lifelong friendships and help certain people to find their true identity and feel more confident.

Healthcare Triage 

The main points found in this video are that there is no connection between video games and aggressive behaviour and that people who play violent video games have less aggressive thoughts

I disagree that violent video games make people become more violent. In various different studies video games have been proven not to make children more violent. However, they do make people think more violent things, but just from anywhere between 4 and 30 minutes, but that is the same with adults and a sad book, whilst reading it the reader starts to think or feel sad, just like violence and games.    

Media Insider- Bandura and Video games

I agree that video games could influence younger generations to act with certain signs of aggression through copy-cat behaviour. Bandura constructed an experiment called the Bobo experiment. He gathered multiple children from the age of 3 years old to 6 years old and put them in a room together, with a video of adult humans acting with aggression and violence towards an inflatable, bouncy, Bobo doll, then, one at a time he introduced the children to the doll and recorded their actions, they were extremely clear signs of copy-cat behaviour, as almost every single one of the children demonstrated violence and some even used hostile language and tones, just like the adults in the video.

I agree that video games create violence, because there was an experiment conducted by Bandura and it displayed adults being aggressive toward the dolls, and showed a video of this to children between the age of 3 and 6, the children copied the adults actions. This shows young children exposed to video games will most likely copy what they see on the screen.


  1. 18/9- Great analysis started here. T 2. more application of the theory to a text, giving more explanation.


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